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New Display to Honor Marion Mayors Throughout History

New City Hall Display Honors Marion Mayors throughout HistoryShare

Sep 24, 2024  

One of May­or Morrell’s ini­tia­tives to com­plete with­in his first year in office is com­ing to fruition, and will be unveiled to the pub­lic next week. A trib­ute wall of all elect­ed Mar­i­on May­ors from 1889 to present year is being installed this week right out­side the Mayor’s Office on the 2nd floor of City Hall. Once installed, the dis­play will be cov­ered until the offi­cial unveil­ing event.

The pub­lic is invit­ed to attend the unveil­ing cer­e­mo­ny next Tues­day, Octo­ber 1st2024, at 11:30am in the 2nd floor lob­by of City Hall. Refresh­ments will be pro­vid­ed for all to enjoy. A lim­it­ed num­ber of com­mem­o­ra­tive post­cards will be avail­able as a free gift.

May­or Mor­rell expressed, ​Serv­ing as May­or of Mar­i­on is an hon­or. It is fit­ting that we hon­or those who came before us, as they have paved the way for where we stand today.”

The pub­lic will so have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to meet and greet past may­ors as well as May­or Mor­rell and his staff at the ceremony.

City Hall is locat­ed at 301 S. Bran­son St., Mar­i­on, IN. Park­ing is offered in two lots – one at 4th and McClure and at 3rd and McClure — in addi­tion to street park­ing. Please enter the build­ing from McClure Street.

This is a free com­mu­ni­ty event with no reser­va­tion required.

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