6 JAG Students Qualify for National Competition
6 JAG Students Qualify for National Competition
Six northeast Indiana high school students who were finalists in a state Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) event will compete April 24-26 at JAG’s National Career Development Conference in Indianapolis, the Indiana Department of Workforce Development (DWD) announced.
The national conference is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their career readiness, connect with employers, and explore future opportunities.
Northeast Indiana students who will be competing include: Brianna Nichols, first place at state in cover design, DeKalb High School; Maggie Onderko, first place, employability skills, North Manchester High School; Katelyn Martynowicz, third place, career preparation, North Manchester High School; and Lacey Dawson, Grace Hall and Aadyn Ousley, third place, project-based learning, Manchester High School.
“JAG Indiana continues to provide students with the skills and confidence they need to continue to succeed beyond high school,” said DWD Commissioner Richard Paulk. “Each year, we see incredible growth in our students as they prepare to take their talents to the national stage.”